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British Columbia Youth Parliament

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The BCYP Mace

The British Columbia Youth Parliament (BCYP) is a youth service organization that operates in the guise of a "parliament" in the Canadian province of British Columbia. The BCYP fulfills its motto of "Youth Serving Youth" by means of "legislation" enacting community service projects and other youth-oriented activities. The BCYP is the successor to the Older Boys' Parliament of British Columbia, which first met in 1924.

Annual session


Each year between December 27–31, youth aged 16 to 21 from across British Columbia gather in the Legislative Chambers of the B.C. Parliament Buildings in the capital city of Victoria for the BCYP annual session. Members sit as independents (i.e., they do not represent any political party) and vote according to their individual conscience on all issues. They learn about parliamentary process, debate topics of interest, and plan numerous activities for the upcoming year. Proposed activities, usually in the form of community service projects, are presented in the form of government bills; once passed they must be put into effect. This model differs from most other model (or "mock") youth parliaments in Canada; legislation passed by the membership is enacted by the organization through volunteer work in the community.

During the sittings of the BCYP during its December session, members of the BCYP (usually backbenchers) are given the opportunity to present "Private Members' Resolutions" (PMRs) for debate. These are usually on topics related to current events or other issues important to members and usually contain a provision for communicating the decision of the BCYP on that topic to the actual governmental authorities or other parties responsible for those issues. On occasion, a PMR on a whimsical topic is introduced.

Unlike a real parliamentary government, the BCYP "government" cannot fall if it loses a vote on what would otherwise be a vote of confidence, such as a money bill or a motion of non-confidence.

During the week that the BCYP meets in the Legislature, the members elect a new Premier, Leader of the Opposition and Deputy Speaker for the next legislative year.

On the last day of the annual sitting of the BCYP, a Prorogation ceremony is held. As part of the ceremony, the Lieutenant Governor (a person appointed by the Premier, usually a prominent person in the community) signs all approved bills into "law". After the December sittings, the members become the organization's own "civil service" and implement the community service projects legislated at the session. Legislation passed at the session is subject to review by the organization's Senate.

For most of the BCYP's history, the legislative year was referred to a "session"; however, in the mid-1990s the BCYP began referring to the annual session as a "parliament", in keeping with Parliamentary tradition.

Organizational structure


The BCYP models itself on the Westminster Parliamentary system. The BCYP is sponsored by the Youth Parliament of B.C. Alumni Association. In keeping with the parliamentary structure of the BCYP, the board of directors of the Alumni Association is referred to as the "Senate".

The BCYP itself is led by a cabinet appointed by the Premier-elect. The Premier-elect also appoints various other officers, such as a Lieutenant Governor, a Speaker, a Clerk of the Legislative Assembly, and a Sergeant-At-Arms, among others. The legislative year for a Premier and their cabinet runs from September 15 to September 14 of the following year. The Premier and Cabinet plan the government's legislative plan and prepare the bills for consideration at the December sitting of the BCYP.

Members of the BCYP are not elected to the Youth Parliament. Instead, potential members apply for the limited number of available positions. Applicants must be nominated by an organization that supports youth activities (i.e., community, school, or church club or group). The applicants are then selected by a committee made up of representatives of the Senate and the BCYP cabinet. The selection committee attempts to ensure that all parts of the province are represented. This includes selecting at least one applicant from each of the real ridings for the actual provincial legislature (subject to there being an applicant from that riding). At the December sitting, all members will be assigned to a riding. Members who come from a riding that is over-represented (usually from one of the larger urban centres) may be assigned a riding from which no applications were submitted. Otherwise, some ridings may have two or more members.

"Legislated" projects and programs




The purpose of the Older Boys' Parliament (OBP) in its early years was to recommend changes and additions to the "Canadian Standards Efficiency Training" (CSET) programme (see History, below) and to promote Christian boys life. Its legislation usually consisted of recommendations made to the Boys' Work Board of British Columbia ("BWBBC") (see History, below) rather than its own programmes, and occasional resolutions on social issues (such as temperance and school curricula).

During the 1950s, the OBP began to develop a more service-oriented programme run by its own members rather than working with programmes run by other organizations (the exception to this being camps). Projects included annual hobby shows, athletic competitions, leadership training programmes, and work with disabled youth.

The OBP's social service programme expanded in the 1960s, with more work with disabled people, delinquent boys, book drives, and food drives. The OBP's project for Canada's Centennial was to help finance and build a church and meeting hall on a Nitinagt Indian Reserve on Vancouver Island.

In 1981, the BCYP funded and constructed a playground for children living at Skeena Terrace, a provincially sponsored subsidized housing project at Cassiar and Broadway in Vancouver.

In the 1980s, the Youth Parliament projects expanded to include educational workshops, youth oriented conferences, and the Regional Youth Parliament (RYP) program. Projects introduced in the 2000s include summer youth festivals and essay contests. In 2005, the BCYP established a youth conference known as "The Stand".

Observers program


In 1959 the OBP created the Observers Program. The purpose of this program was to give potential members an idea of what OBP did before joining, to provide a "sounding board" to members for feedback, and as a means of reducing high turnover in OBP as becoming a member would become something to work for above observer status. Observers, aged 15 to 16, attended the entire session, and took part in all activities except sitting in the Legislative Chambers. The Observer program ended in 1973, at which time the Older Boys' Parliament became the Youth Parliament.

Camp Phoenix


While camping had been a steady part of the OBP program since its inception, the OBP had always participated in the operation of camps run by other organizations, but never its own. This changed in December 1967 when the 37th Session legislated Camp Phoenix. That first Camp Phoenix was held at Camp George Pringle in the summer of 1968, with 36 underprivileged and disabled boys in attendance.

Camp Phoenix expanded over the decades to serve both boys and girls. For a number of years, Camp Phoenix was held in August every year, often at a different location in British Columbia each year. Camp Phoenix was funded and organized by the BCYP members, with a few key positions at the camp itself (such as medical staff and camp director) held by alumni or other adults. From the first camp through 2010, approximately 1500 children attended Camp Phoenix. In 2011, BCYP decided not to hold Camp Phoenix. During 2014, BCYP operated an afternoon day-camp program as a potential replacement for Camp Phoenix, known as "Project Phoenix." At the 86th Session in December 2014, BCYP re-established the Ministry of Project Phoenix to formally oversee the new program, called "Project Phoenix". Based upon the success of Project Phoenix, at the 87th Session in December 2015, the BCYP re-established the Ministry of Camp Phoenix and the membership passed legislation enabling Camp Phoenix. Camp Phoenix occurred in August 2016 at Deep Cove, British Columbia.

Regional Youth Parliaments


In 1937, in an attempt to expand the number of people that could be involved, the OBP experimented by attempting to hold three separate parliaments around the province, instead of the one in Victoria. As a result of the hiatus during World War II, and the effort to rebuild the OBP in the late 1940s, no real thought was given to regional parliaments until the 1960s. During the late 1960s, into 1970, the Older Boys' Parliament made efforts to establish a regional program, but a program of regional parliaments never came to fruition.

The current form of the RYPs originated in 1987, when a pilot RYP was held in Creston, British Columbia for the Kootenay region. Legislation formally establishing a RYP program was introduced at the 60th Session in 1989. As before, a primary goal of the RYP program was to increase the number of young people who could participate in the BCYP. Since then, RYPs have been established throughout the province. The oldest RYP currently in existence is the Vancouver Youth Parliament, which has run without interruption since 1988. While a number of the early RYPs are defunct, the current Regional Youth Parliaments [1] include:

  • Vancouver Youth Parliament
  • Richmond Delta Youth Parliament
  • Fraser Youth Parliament
  • Islands Youth Parliament
  • Interior Youth Parliament (Formed from the merger of the former Northern British Columbia Youth Parliament and the Southern Interior Youth Parliament)





Like most other Youth Parliaments in Canada, the BCYP has its origins in the "boys work" movement of the YMCA of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. "Boys' work" was meant to answer the need for activities for young men who worked by day but were idle by night. Various programs came and went, often incorporating a dominant YMCA philosophy of the "four-fold" development of the physical, mental, spiritual and social well-being of the person, based upon Luke 2:52: "And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men."

Unofficial Coat of Arms of the BCYP

Taylor Statten, a Boer War recruit who joined the YMCA as a means of continuing his physical fitness activities upon military discharge, was driven by his ambition to design a proper boys' work program with the Toronto YMCA, attending various national boys conferences. In 1912, Statten became the Boys' Work Secretary on the national YMCA executive. Borrowing from both Canadian and American YMCA programs, and aspects of the Boy Scouts, Statten established the "Canadian Standards Efficiency Training" program, a system of graded tests where boys passed from one level to the next. These standards were borrowed from the "four-fold" philosophy.

Under the CSET program came the Trail Rangers (boys 12 - 14) and TUXIS (ages 15 – 17). A similar program for girls known as the Canadian Girls in Training were formed a number of years later. The popularity of the CSET program was such that boys' work soon became a virtually separate movement within the YMCA

In 1916 Statten embarked on a "Coast to Coast Tour" to promote the CSET program, which included a stop in Vancouver. It was on this tour that Statten first envisioned a national boys conference, modelled on various regional conferences promoting boys' work. Statten believed in letting the boys determine their own priorities, and his idea soon developed into the concept of a boys' Parliament. However, the National Boys' Work Board considered this beyond their capability, at least during the Great War, which was being waged at the time. Fortunately, the Ontario BWB was interested, and Statten organized the first Ontario TUXIS & Older Boys' Parliament in 1917.

Due to the program's success, Statten encouraged the involvement of the churches, in order to reach even more boys in Canada. Various Protestant churches became involved, and a National Boys' Work Board was established with an executive body made up of YMCA and church representatives. In 1921 an independent Boys' Work Board was established, as the YMCA preferred to take a lesser role in a movement that was diverting too much attention and resources from other Y programs.

Early years to World War II


The first Older Boys' Parliament of British Columbia was held in January 1924. The Premier was Walter S. Owen, who later became the Lieutenant Governor of B.C. (1973–1978). The new organization was donated its mace, which is still used today, by St. Andrews Presbyterian (now the United Church), where Owen's TUXIS group met.

During the Great Depression, a number of serious issues faced the OBP. These included lower financial resources. The OBP's ability to use the Legislative Chambers of the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia in the capital city of Victoria was threatened by those offended by the OBP allowing Asian members to attend. Before World War II, the OBP decided to experiment with holding its session outside of Victoria. A proposed session under this plan in New Westminster in 1937 had to be cancelled. Another planned experiment was to hold the OBP biannually, with regional Parliaments in alternate years. It is certain this practice would have continued were it not for the occurrence of World War II.

Post World War II to the end of the OBP era


While the 15th Session in 1939 prorogued with full intention of holding a Session in 1940, the OBP did not meet during World War II. By war's end, the TUXIS movement had diminished and the National Boys' Work Board was in a weak state of affairs. It took the Boys' Work Secretary for the United Church, Rev. Robert McLaren, to revive the OBP. Through his efforts, the pre-war partners who sponsored Parliament (Protestant churches and YMCA) joined forces to establish a Parliamentary Convention in Vancouver to rebuild the organization. It is in this period where the United Church began to have its greatest influence on the OBP.

Delegates from around B.C. attended this conference, which expanded to include representatives of other boys' groups such as Scouts and the Boys' Brigade. This expansion of OBP's base encouraged the boys to debate expanding its membership to include all religious denominations and boys' groups in the OBP and truly become a representative Parliament. This movement this was effectively quashed by McLaren and other church leaders.

The 1940s were an unstable period for the OBP, with a "senate" (as its sponsoring organization was called) existing in name only and a weak premier who had to be replaced soon after the 16th Session. Key alumni and strong premiers with good cabinets carried the OBP through the late 1940s when a proper "Senate" and well founded Parliament were established.

It was during this period that the OBP was held in Vancouver. Only one session between 1945 and 1955 sat in the provincial legislature. Despite invitations from the government, organizers found it easier to plan sessions for the fledgling parliament in Vancouver, usually at the University of British Columbia in Union College (now the Vancouver School of Theology) or the U.B.C. Law School Building.

Transition to BCYP


Since the 5th Session of the OBP, resolutions had been introduced to admit girls as members. By the 1960s the Canadian Girls in Training efforts to participate in the Older Boys' Parliament were taken up by the media, spearheaded by the Victoria Times newspaper columnist Elizabeth Forbes. By the late 1960s the issue was being taken more seriously by the OBP, but there was strong opposition from the "Senate", which vetoed a resolution passed by the OBP in 1971 to allow girls to join. Some of the "Older Boys" who opposed admitting women went as far as to organize a separate "Older Girls' Parliament" to meet during the Easter break.

At this same time, there was a movement to expand the constituent membership of the Boys' Parliament beyond the select churches providing members at the time. For example, by the late 1960s, there had been Lutheran, Jewish, and Catholic members of the OBP. These boys qualified for membership in the OBP by associating themselves with youth groups connected to the sponsoring organizations of the OBP.

With the election of the New Democratic Party under Dave Barrett in the 1972 provincial election, pressure came from the provincial government to open the membership of the Boys' Parliament to all or face losing the use of the legislative buildings. Thus the B.C. Youth Parliament came into being for the 44th Session in 1974.[1][2] The new organization was non-denominational and membership was open to boys and girls. The first female Premier was Susan Hunter of the 49th Session in 1977.

As a part of the re-organization in 1974, the Youth Parliament of B.C. Alumni Association was formed and acts as the BCYP's "Senate". The Senate ensures a session is held annually, reviews the legislation passed by the Youth Parliament, and when necessary assists the Youth Parliament in its community service programs and other events.

To the present


Developments in the 1980s saw Taylor Statten's dreams of 1916 come to fruition with the formation of the Youth Parliament of Canada in 1980. The Western Canada Youth Parliament (WCYP) was also formed during this time period. While the Youth Parliament of Canada has since collapsed, after seven sessions over ten years, the WCYP continues on a bi-annual basis.

A key event in BCYP history was the "Vernon Conference" held in 1985. The BCYP organized and hosted this youth conference to celebrate the United Nations International Year of the Youth. Members of the TUXIS Parliament of Alberta (since renamed as the Alberta Youth Parliament) and the Junior Statesmen of America (now the Junior State of America were invited to participate. This conference was a new concept for the BCYP. It provided the BCYP with the experience and inspiration to attempt new projects beyond community service projects and camps. More and larger projects, such as RYPs, were possible.

In the 1990s, with increasing costs of running BCYP's annual Session and holding Camp Phoenix, both the Senate and Youth Parliament became increasingly concerned with fundraising and the long-term financial health of the organization. Starting with a $5,000 bequest from Walter S. Owen, the Senate instituted a fundraising campaign between 1991 and 1993. The campaign raised $75,000 in donations from alumni, service organizations, and corporations. The Vancouver Foundation matched that amount, to establish the Walter S. Owen Fund.

At that same time, the BCYP undertook new fundraising initiatives, such as holding a dinner-dance and "Dream Auction" in 1992. The auction subsequently evolved through various formats, to become a major annual fundraising event for Youth Parliament.

House leaders and award winners

Session Year Premier Leader of the Opposition Deputy Speaker Lieutenant Governor Speaker Clerk of the House Donald Fergus Paynter Memorial Award for Leadership Recipient Fisi Award for Service Recipient Parliamentarian of the Year Award Inspiring New Member Award Recipient Bond Shield Recipient Julie Jackson Alumni Society Award Recipient


1 Jan. 1924 Walter S. Owen A.E. Roberts Heber Noble
2 Dec. 1924 Walter S. Owen F.A. Pauline Aurthur Howarth Charles G. Keen
3 1925 W.J. Bell J.D. MacLean Robert Wallace N. Wattson Spinks
4 1926 Roger Foote H.T.J. Coleman Jack Shadbolt Bert Berttie
5 1927 Leslie J. Wagner Gordon Switzer A.H. Manson Archie Russell J. Beattie MacLean
6 1928 Robert C. Rolston S.F. Tolmie Irvine Dawson J. Beattie MacLean
7 1929 Irvine Dawson Scott McLaren W.C. Shelly Dugald Morrison Kenneth M. Beckett
8 1930 Jake Dieldal Gordon Fields S.L. Howe Scott McLaren Irvine Dawson
9 1931 Cameron Gorri Gordon Fields Arnold Simpson L.B. Elliot Charles McLeod Irvine Dawson
10 1932 Jim Ferris Robert McMaster George L. Connell Joshua Hinchcliffe Charles McLeod Robert T. Wallace
11 1933 Robert McMaster John Windebank A. Wright George M. Weir Lyle Turvey R. Ormond Marrion
12 1934 John Windebank Lyle Turvey F.M. McPherson Leonard Martin
13 1935 Bruce McLagan Art Wright David Leeming Ernest Alexander
14 1936 Ernie Alexander Jack Ewan F.M. McPherson Beresford Menagh Roy Holmes
15 1938 Jack Ewan Darrell Braidwood Oscar Hanson Walter Owen William Edward McBride Wordie Hetherington In 1939, three Regional Youth Parliaments occurred in Vancouver, New Westminster, and the Kootenays. There was a short hiatus, until the Parliamentary Convention of 1945.
Vancouver 1939 Rob Crosby Fred Downer W.G. Murrin Don Hay
New Westminster 1939 Penn McLeod Allan Winslade Judge Howie Bob McMillan
Kootenays 1939 Albert Nicholas Harold Mayo Frank Putnam Ted McBride
1945 Parliamentary Convention
16 1946 Archie Macaulay Oliver Howard Grant Bracewell N.A.M. MacKenzie/G.F. Curtis Charles McLeod Oliver Howard
17 1947 Ray Woollam Oliver Howard Lloyd Schoop N.A.M. MacKenzie/G.F. Curtis Grant Bracewell Jack Ewen
18 1948 Oliver Howard Robert Wallace G.F. Curtis Thomas Bulman Rayburn McColl
19 1949 Robert Wallace William Neen Walter H. Mulligan Robert Brydon Oliver Howard
20 1950 William Neen George Searcy H.C. Green Robert Brydon Oliver Howard
21 1951 R. Bruce Bennett Albert Plant Walter H. Mulligan Howard McDiarmid William Neen
22 1952 Albert Plant Lyle Robertson Sherwood Lett Howard McDiarmid J. Robert Brydon
23 1953 Howard McDiarmid Terrance Westgate Angus MacInnis Lyle Robertson Maurice D. Copithorne
24 1954 Terrance Westgate Douglas Norman John Wright Reg. T. Rose Ken Lamb J. Robert Brydon
25 1955 Douglas Norman Derek Fraser William J. Bell Ken Lamb J. Hadden Gregory After a ten-year absence (with one exception), the O.B.P.B.C. returns to holding its annual session in the Parliament Buildings in Victoria.
26 1956 Douglas Norman Derek Fraser Donald Robertson Walter Owen John Wright G.E. Bonney
27 1957 Peter Rolston Donald Robertson Alister Fraser Willard Ireland John Goodwin J.H. Wright
28 1958 Donald Robertson John Goodwin Barry Goodwin E.N.C. McAmmond Stannard Toole G.E. Bonney Observer Programme created.
29 1959 Michael Sinclair William MacDonald Frank Shoemaker Dean B.W. Whitlow Barry Goodwin Gordon MacGillvray
30 1960 William MacDonald Barry Goodwin John Curtis M.D. Young Frank Shoemaker Gordon MacGillvray
31 1961 Kenneth Jensen Rick Higgs Steve Hetherington M.D. Young John Curtis Harry Ratclift
32 1962 Scott Van Alstine Rick Higgs Ed Nicholson William J. Rose Steve Heaterington Frank Shoemaker
33 1963 Rick Higgs Currie Grass W.S. Taylor Ed Nicholson Blair Dunbar Scott Van Alstine
34 1964 Currie Grass Ed Nicholson Donald Paynter William Owen David Wallace Frank Shoemaker John Morton
35 1965 John Morton Brian Smith Jim Cooke Harry Lennox Donald F. Paynter Ed O'Brian
36 1966 Donald Paynter Cam Ellis John Morton J.H. Allen James Cook Richard Miller Robert McDermid
37 1967 Edward O'Brien Craig Rothwell Dennis Hutton Willard E. Ireland Joseph Paynter John Morton Jim Mann Camp Phoenix created.
38 1968 Joseph Paynter James Lane Robert LaRoy E.M. Nichols James Mann Edward Jones Ian MacKenzie
39 1969 Robin Richardson James W. Mann Gordon Taylor Walter S. Owen Cyril Chalk Joseph Paynter James W. Mann
40 1970 Gordon Taylor Robert Hall David L. North R. Victor Henning Currie Grass Michael Hare
41 1971 David North Mark Mitchell David MacLeod Charles M. MacLeod G. Leigh Harrison Bill Saffin George E.H. Cadman Allan Bryce
42 1972 George Cadman Don MacLeod Michael Hare Dugald J. Morrison Cyril Chalk Ian MacLeod Tom Noort Bob Laing
43 1973 Robert Weston Alan Wing Donald MacLeod E.K. DeBeck Robin Richardson Ian MacLeod Andy Stark Bob Laing Last session as the "Older Boys' Parliament" and last year for the Observers Programme.
44 1974 Alan Wing[1] Kent Campbell Robert Slade Elizabeth Forbes

(Kathleen Ruff, head of the B.C. Human Rights Commission, had originally been appointed to act as L.G.)[1]
Cyril Chalk Ian MacLeod Dave Wilson First session as the "B.C. Youth Parliament". Female members were admitted for the first time; as well, the organization became non-denominational and a primarily secular organization.
45 1975 Alan Wing Dave Lovely Steven Howell Howard E. Petch James Mann Ian MacLeod Christine Eidt Christine Eidt
47[3] 1976 Dave Wilson Tom Barichello Axel Shoeber Mrs. (Shirley) W.S. Owen Robert Weston Ian MacLeod Axel Schoeber,

Karen Hawkins

49[4] 1977 Susan Hunter Chamkaur Cheema Kevin Paul Maurice Young Steve Howell Alan Wing Duncan Ferguson First session with a female Premier.
50 1978 John Moonen Kevin Paul Duncan Ferguson Mrs. (Nancy) H.P Bell-Irving Cyril Chalk Dave Lovely Duncan Ferguson
51 1979 Kevin Wells Anthony Gurr Gordon Paul Dr. G. Scott Wallace George Cadman Dave Lovely Linda Reid Ralph Wong
52 1980 Linda Reid David Martin Carolyn Craven Albert E. King George Cadman Stephen Howell Ralph Wong
53 1981 David Martin Daniel W. Burnett Margaret Gillatt Vivian Shoemaker Robert Weston Christine Eidt James Fraser Sarah Sutherland
54 1982 James Fraser Sharon Sutherland Carin Holroyd James Mann Steve Howell Roger Hodgins Carin Holroyd Sarah Hopper First session with a female Leader of the Opposition.
55 1983 Colin Hanson Tom Fettor Chris McElroy Charles Barber Linda Reid Maggie Gillatt Cathy Lew First session with a woman serving as Speaker.
56 1984 Susan Dent H. William Veenstra Peggy Kemp Frank Shoemaker Daniel W. Burnett Colin Hanson Carin Holroyd
57 1985 H. William Veenstra Paul Schwartz Sarah Bonner Allan MacKinnon Dave Wilson Daniel Burnett Karen Sommer Bruce Hallsor
58 1986 Catherine Birch Kenneth Smith Brenda McGuire J. Michael Roberts Chris McElroy Daniel Burnett Bruce Hallsor
59 1987 R. Bruce Hallsor Johann Beda Ian Martin J. Michael Roberts Colin Hanson Susan Dent Dean Crawford Sharon Pratt
60 1988 Sean D. Vanderfluit Dean Crawford Bruce Hallsor Richard Nicol Susan Veenstra (née Dent) Bill Veenstra Monica McParland Monica McParland,

Sharon Pratt

61 1989 Dean A. Crawford David R. Baxter Graham Cove Hubert Beyer H. William Veenstra Susan Veenstra (née Dent) Sharon Pratt
62 1990 Kenneth A. Donohue Jason K. Hebert George Nast Stuart Hodgson Robert K. MacDonald Geoffrey J. Glave Sharon Hallsor (née Pratt)
63 1991 Erin J. Lemon George M. McWhinnie Joel Freedman Stephen Owen James Fraser Geoffrey J. Glave Lara C. Rooke Sean Sookochoff,

Steve Wellburn

64 1992 Jonathan N.A. Wand Elisabeth Van Assum L. Andrew Olsen Susan Brice Sean D. Vanderfluit Rhonda L. Vanderfluit Patricia Lang,

Drew Olsen

Claire Gilbert Jason Herbert
65 1993 Kerry L. Simmons Chilwin C. Cheng Victor Tuomi J. Parker MacCarthy Sharon M.E. Hallsor (née Pratt) Rhonda L. Herbert (née Vanderfluit) Craig Bell Cynthia Johansen
66[5] 1994 Solomon Wong Karen Lee Melanie Stapleton Val J. Anderson R. Bruce E. Hallsor Jason K. Herbert Trinh Pham Allan Ng
67 1995 Peter Stevens Karin Yeung Christina Lunelli Jim Nielsen L. Andrew Olsen Kerry L. Simmon Solomon Wong Chantal Broughton Trinh Pham
68 1996 Karin Yeung Shane Thomas Mark Ian Karjaluoto Linda Reid Russell S. Brown Craig Bell Trinh Pham Trevor Franklin Mark Ian Karjaluoto
69 1997 Sang-Kiet Ly Shannon Salter Jenn Jay Vaughn Palmer Victor Tuomi Beatrice McCutcheon,

Shane Thomas

Ryan Stewart Negin Mirriahi Jack Tsai
70 1998 Katie Longworth Ryan K. Stewart Kristi V.M. Cave Hugh Curtis Chilwin C. Cheng Audrey Wang Miranda Lam Sarah Buydens Jeff Town Jeff Town
71 1999 Robyn Marshall Jocelyn R. Fung Miranda Lam Les Leyne Solomon Wong Audrey Wang Aniz Alani Susie da Silva Jeff Town First session with all three house leader positions held by women.
72 2000 Negin Mirriahi Sam Schechter Paul Browning Sue Founier Dean Crawford Sang-Kiet Ly Robyn Marshall Michelle Babiuk,

Lindsay McCray

Rachelle Yong Yuk-Sing Cheng
73 2001 Aniz Alani Gerald Taft Swithin D'Souza Daniel W. Burnett Rhonda L. Vanderfluit Ashley Morton Susie da Silva Susie da Silva Julia Lockhart Katrina Wang
74 2002 Chris Lam Aniz Alani Sanyee Chen Art Cowie Jason K. Herbert Rhonda L. Vanderfluit Julia K. Lockhart Nicole Stewart Caitlin Tom Jack Diep
75 2003 Yuk-Sing Cheng Kristin Fung Danica Wong Elizabeth Rowles Scott Sang-Kiet Ly Alan C.L. Ip Aniz Alani Emilie-Anne Paul Elizabeth Tribe William Chow
76 2004 Dorothy Wong Victor Mung Dora E. Turje Ralph Hembruff Mark Ian Karjaluoto Alan C.L. Ip Dora E. Turje Dustin Fuhs Nitsa Docolas Julia Lockhart
77 2005 Emilie-Anne Paul Edward Wang Julia K. Lockhart Ida Chong Swithin D'Souza Aniz Alani Emilie-Anne Paul Carley Kennedy Penelope Chua Shazan Jiwa
78 2006 Travis Wong Jason Liu Emilie-Anne Paul Herb Leroy Alan Ip Dorothy Wang Julia K. Lockhart Laurel Hogg Susie Bowles Julia Lockhart
79 2007 Laurel Hogg Penny Chua Jeremy McElroy May Lou-Poy Kerry L. Simmon Dora Turje Tyler Allison Rosie Pidcock Emilie-Anne Paul
80 2008 Tyler Allison Jeremy McElroy Paula Burrows Robert Wicks Chris McElroy Dora Turje Sasa Pudar Gordon Hall Alden Chow
81 2009 Sasa Pudar Susie Bowles Oriana Camporese William Wellburn Jason K. Herbert Victor Mung Karen Ratchford Michael Thejomayen Alden Chow
82 2010 Karen Ratchford Josh Hall Susie Bowles Charley Beresford Chris McElroy Danica Wong Emily Gage Michael McDonald Jeff Wilson
83 2011 Jessica McElroy Ryan Wei Emily Gage Linda Reid Dora Turje Karen Ratchford Nicole Berthelot Susie Bowles
84 2012 Sarah O'Connor Alexandra Dickson Ambrose Yung Ida Chong Aniz Alani Danica Wong Alexandra Dickson Madeline Gallard Fatima Al-Fahim Linda Reid,

Kerry Simmons

85 2013 Ambrose Yung Nathan How Darya Ali Linda Reid Gavin Hoekstra Danica Wong Ambrose Yung Nathan How Mackenzie Lockhart,

Tony Zhao

Rachael Vey Sarah Bonner
86 2014 Darya Ali Jason Zhou Nathan How Linda Reid Jenn Jay Danica Wong Darya Ali Tony Zhou Morgan Weir Ambrose Yung Dan Burnett
87 2015 Nathan How Sky Losier Sisi Zhou Kerry L. Simmons Jeremy McElroy Dora Turje Chris Coulson Sheridan Hawse Jacob Noseworthy Rhonda Vanderfluit
88 2016 Chris Coulson Sheridan Hawse Angus Lockhart Susan Hunter Linda Reid Ambrose Yung Callista Ryan Emily Proskiw,

Victoria Sukra

Gordon Mason Jim Mann
89 2017 Sky Losier Callista Ryan Sheridan Hawse Darryl Plecas James Fraser Ambrose Yung Sky Losier Brendan Liaw Sophie Sacilotto Felix Soheili Jenn Jay
90 2018 Sheridan Hawse Alex Fraser Brendan Liaw Richard Zussman Dora Turje Ambrose Yung Victoria Ritchie Kishoore Ramanathan Angus Lockhart Julie Jackson
91 2019 Ranil Prasad Rhett Mutschke Semiah Marquard Kate Ryan-Lloyd Artour Sogomonian Ambrose Yung Jessana Akehurst James Krause Adriana Thom
92 2020 Adriana Thom Justin Kulik Joseph Chien Bonnie Henry Artour Sogomonian Ambrose Yung Ranil Prasad, Kishoore Ramanathan Aislinn Dressler Acacia Lee Dora Turje Session occurred online by videoconference due to the COVID-19 pandemic.[6]
93 2021 Kishoore Ramanathan Karina Valcke-Becket Amelia Brooker Grace Lore Rhonda Vanderfluit Ambrose Yung Marika Leigh Lopez Zara Herbert, Christina Kim Anna Hulbert, Maryam Aboukhatwa Jessana Akehurst Session occurred online by videoconference due to the COVID-19 pandemic.[7]
94 2022 Abby Head Nathan Chang Jessana Akehurst Hugh William Veenstra Mackenzie Lockhart Ambrose Yung Prabhnoor Sidhu Anna Hulbert, Karina Valcke-Beckett Isabella Harmel Isabella Harmel Sky Losier
95 2023 Megan Ryan-Lloyd Samuel Lee Felix Mann Val Napoleon [fr] Angus Lockhart Ambrose Yung Abby Head Tommy Xu Adrianne Chow Brielle Tran, Kevin Nicklin Brielle Tran
96 2024 Annie Nguyen Puneet Hundal Isabella Harmel
Session Year Premier Leader of the Opposition Deputy Speaker Lieutenant Governor Speaker Clerk of the House Donald Fergus Paynter Memorial Award for Leadership Recipient Fisi Award for Service Recipient Parliamentarian of the Year Award Inspiring New Member Award Recipient Bond Shield Recipient Julie Jackson Alumni Society Award Recipient


Notable alumni


Linda Bauld, Professor at the University of Edinburgh
Robert Bonner, Attorney General of British Columbia (1952-1968)
Russell Brown, Puisne Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada[8]
• Daniel Burnett, KC, Media Lawyer
• Susana da Silva, CBC Video Journalist
Jack Davis, politician
Stephen Doughty, Member of Parliament of the United Kingdom for Cardiff South and Penarth
• Ted Field, reporter and assignment editor, Global BC
Allan Fotheringham, news reporter and journalist
• Lloyd McKenzie, Justice of the Supreme Court of British Columbia (1974-1993); Information Officer for the Court of Appeal and Supreme Court (1993-2003)
• Monica McParland, Judge of the Provincial Court of British Columbia
• Jim Mann, Dementia activist, 2020 UBC Honorary Doctor of Laws recipient[9]
Eric Nicol, writer
Walter Stewart Owen, 22nd Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia
Linda Reid, 37th Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia
• Shannon Salter K.C. Former Chair of the British Columbia Civil Resolution Tribunal; former Deputy Attorney General of British Columbia;[10] Deputy Minister to the Premier, Head of the BC Public Service and Cabinet Secretary
Jack Shadbolt, artist
• Kerry L. Simmons, KC, Past National President, Canadian Bar Association
• Hugh William Veenstra, Justice of the Supreme Court of British Columbia[11]
Ray Williston, Member of the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia (1953–1972)

See also



  1. ^ a b c "Another First for B.C. girls". The Province. 17 Dec 1974. p. 9.
  2. ^ "B.C. boys reject separatism move". The StarPhoenix. 29 Dec 1973. p. 18.
  3. ^ The Sessions held in 1976 and 1977 were numbered 47th and 49th respectively, in order to compensate for the regional parliaments held in 1939 and for the Parliamentary Convention held in 1945.
  4. ^ The Sessions held in 1976 and 1977 were numbered 47th and 49th respectively, in order to compensate for the regional parliaments held in 1939 and for the Parliamentary Convention held in 1945.
  5. ^ Referred to as "66th Parliament" as of January 1, 1995.
  6. ^ Valerie Leung (2020-12-27). "B.C. Youth Parliament takes to virtual gathering, debate plans persist". Richmond News. Retrieved 2021-01-01.
  7. ^ "BC Youth Parliament goes virtual for second year in a row". Saanich News. 2021-12-27. Retrieved 2022-01-05.
  8. ^ staff (1983-03-02). "Student tries hand at politics". Lake District News. p. 10.
  9. ^ "2020 Honorary Degree Recipients | Graduation at UBC".
  10. ^ Rob Shaw (2022-02-03). "From selfies to thrifting: BC's new top lawyer marks a "generational shift" for the province". Daily Hive. Retrieved 2022-02-04.
  11. ^ "Government of Canada announces a judicial appointment in the province of British Columbia".